Psychedelic research: Neuroscape

Executive Producer Rob VanAlkemade / Medicinal Media. Field Producer Andie Grace.

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In this video, Dr. Gazzaley explains why Neuroscape conducts psychedelic research alongside their many other endeavors.

Dr. Adam Gazzaley is a neuroscientist based in the Bay Area, author, photographer, inventor, and co-founder of Akili Interactive Labs (where he invented the first FDA-approved video game as a medical treatment) and founder of Neuroscape Labs at UCSF. Neuroscape’s mission is to reimagine emerging, non-invasive technology — like video games, wearable devices, virtual reality, and augmented reality — as tools to better understand brain function, enhance cognition, and optimize behavior.

Credits: Neuroscape UCSF, Neuroscape Psychedelics Division, Dr. Adam Gazzaley, Sierra Niblett, Nature Journey and Labyrinth, Richard Campusano, Dr Bijurika Nandi, Louie Schwartzberg, Moving Art, Dr. Peter Wais, Melissa Arioli


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